mercredi 29 mai 2019

Cannot read property 'doc' of undefined when mocking service class through spy/karma

I am trying to test my angular application through Karma. My application is connected to a firebase firestore database. I am trying to mock a collection and use this to test my component functions.

The code snippets that I am using are the following:


export class SprintService {

  getSprints() {
    return this.firestore.collection('sprints').snapshotChanges();
  constructor(private firestore: AngularFirestore) { }


sprints : Sprint[];

constructor(private sprintService: SprintService) { }

ngOnInit() {
    this.sprintService.getSprints().subscribe(data => {
      this.sprints = => {
        return {
          id:, //HERE IT ERRORS

        } as Sprint;


//Mock class
class MockSprintServce
    return of([
      {id: "1", name:"TestSprint", description:"TestSprint", startDate:new Date(2000, 0, 1), endDate:new Date(2001, 0, 1), isActive:true},
      {id: "2", name:"TestSprint2", description:"TestSprint2", startDate:new Date(2000, 0, 1), endDate:new Date(2001, 0, 1), isActive:false},

beforeEach(async(() => {
      imports: [ FormsModule, AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebase) ],
      declarations: [ ArchivedUserstoriesComponent,SprintDetailComponent, SprintsComponent, UserDetailComponent, UsersComponent, UserstoriesComponent, UserstoryDetailComponent ],
      providers: [AngularFirestore, {provide: SprintService, useClass: MockSprintServce}]

beforeEach(() => {
    app.sprints = [
      {id: "1", name:"TestSprint", description:"TestSprint", startDate:new Date(2000, 0, 1), endDate:new Date(2001, 0, 1), isActive:true},
      {id: "2", name:"TestSprint2", description:"TestSprint2", startDate:new Date(2000, 0, 1), endDate:new Date(2001, 0, 1), isActive:false},

it(`should return all Sprints`, async(() => {

    let getSpy = spyOn(mockSprintServiceObject, 'getSprints').and.returnValue({ subscribe: () => {} });



I want the code to be working without any errors. I probably think i have to rewrite the getSprints method in my MockSprintService. Does anybody know what i should return or generate in the getSprints() method to make my ngOnInit work again? Help would be appreciated.

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