mardi 28 mai 2019

How to not continually repeat a background scenario for Cucumber features that depend on that background scenario

I'm writing some end-to-end tests for my application using Cucumber and Selenium. I'm keeping every scenario totally independent of one another, as advised on the Cucumber website. However, my application has session based authentication, so every time a new scenario is run, it will required a login process in order to first access the site. Right now my approach is to put the login scenario as a background scenario for all other scenarios, like so:

  Background: User is Logged In
    Given I am on the login screen
    When I enter my login details
    And I click submit
    Then I should be logged in

However, this feels like a lot of duplicated 'code'. Moreover, having each scenario run independently requires a new WebDriver instance being created and a browser being run for each scenario, which feels a bit inefficient?

Can anyone advise firstly on how I can avoid duplicating the background scenario in every other scenario (if possible) and secondly if having a separate WebDriver instance for each scenario is the correct approach?

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