jeudi 30 mai 2019

How to speed up the integration test? Each test takes more than 3min

I'm using BDD to do the development. I was a Ruby On Rails developer and am new to Java/Spring.

However, I found the compiled language world is a huge pain during development.

For example, Let's say you're updating your test case.

and run ./gradlew hellowworld:integrationTest --tests="TestA"

Which will take 3 min to run after you done small changes

For example, response.statusCode(201) to response.statusCode(200)

I found the most time-consuming part is booting the server and setup the context every time. However, when you're updating the test case, how come you need to reboot all of your services (Spring/Java is dumb in this way)

I'd like to know is there any way to do the speed up the test?

Hot reloaded?

enter image description here

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