mercredi 30 septembre 2020

AngularJS - Jasmine - Cannot test Service in Controller callback function

I need help with Jasmine test. I have this controller with a simple service:

  .controller('MyControllerCtrl', function ($scope, InvocationService) {
    $scope.vm = {};
    var vm = $scope.vm; 
    vm.invocacion_get = function(){
        var successCallback = function (response){
               vm.idResponse =;
               //More complex logic here that must tested, but no....

        var errorCallback = function(error){
            vm.idResponse = error;
        var url = "prefernces/details?id=1";
        InvocationService.get(url, successCallback, errorCallback);

.factory('InvocationService', function($q) {
  var factory = {};           
  factory.get = function(url,successCallback, errorCallback) {
       var deferred = $q.defer();              
       var allData = $http.get("/risam-backend/rest/"+url).then(successCallback, errorCallback)
       return deferred.promise;
    return factory;

The test code is (work fine):

describe('Testing a controller', function() {
      var $scope, ctrl;
      var serviceMock;
      beforeEach(function (){
        serviceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('InvocationService', ['get']);

        inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $q, _$timeout_) {
          $scope = $rootScope.$new();
          ctrl = $controller('MyControllerCtrl', {
            $scope: $scope,
            InvocationService : serviceMock        

      it('test method vm.invocacion_get()', function (){
        expect(serviceMock.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); //This work ok

Whit this test only can check that metod InvocationService.get is called, it's ok.

But I need test the logic of functions 'successCallback' and 'errorCallback' (See vm.invocacion_get() function). This functions is called after 'InvocationService.get' is invoqued, but i this test cannot see anything change. It does not matter if the data returned by the service is simulated; the idea is that the variable 'vm.idResponse' changes value.

Searching the web I saw some examples but couldn't get them to work, sorry.


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