lundi 28 septembre 2020

Type checks with runtypes

I'm trying to validate a configuration part of an object with Mocha using pelotom/runtypes library; but I receive the error "expected false to be true":

//>>>>> declaration:
export const PluginConfigurationNotRequiredType = Record({
    plugin_configuration: Record({
        type: Literal("plugin_configuration_not_required")

export type PluginConfigurationNotRequiredType = Static<
    typeof PluginConfigurationNotRequiredType

//>>>>> the object to test: I want to test only the "plugin_configuration" part; it must be with type: "plugin_configuration_not_required":
plugin_configuration: {
            type: "plugin_configuration_not_required"
value: 1}

//>>>>> the test:
it("should use a valid plugin not required configuration", () => {
    const config = getConfiguration();

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