lundi 24 février 2020

Jira issue workflow for code implementation and bug management

I have just started to work in a company that uses the same Jira Issue workflow to manage development tasks and bugs. enter image description here

I must confess that during the last 5 years I was working a little bit outside the QA scope. When I used to work as a proper QA the customers that I worked for were using ALMs to manage defects, or at least they were dealing with defects in a separated view from the implementation tasks. So, I was trying to understand which is the best approach while using JIRA and its issues workflow to manage defects. I already created (sse the imag below) a separated workflow for defects but I am still confused if it would make sense to decouple it from the Implementation workflow (that currently, at the company also applies to defects). enter image description here

I would like to ask for your opinion on that. What do you think and what do you usually see when it comes to use JIRA as a solo tool to manage defects and development?

Thanks in advance!

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