lundi 24 février 2020

Running unit tests with the program having syntax errors in Python

I wanna try the unit test with input is a syntax error Python program. How can I return failed for all tests? For example,

I have a syntax error Python program like :

def Syntax_Error(a,b):
   c = a + b
   c -    #syntax error here
   return c

and some tests:

import unittest

class Test_Syntax_Error(unittest.TestCase):

    def test1(self):
        assert Syntax_Error([1, 2]) == 2, "Should be 2"
    def test2(self):
        assert Syntax_Error([4, 2]) == 5, "Should be 5"

if __name__ == '__main__':

And I wanna get the result something like "2 tests failed" but not the errors message of IDE

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