vendredi 7 février 2020

TestProject for MainProject does not compile in Azure DevOps Pipelines, TestMethod & TestClass is not defined.. why?

This is really the first time i'm using Azure Pipelines (and actually first time posting a question on stackoverflow). I'm happy for any advice for other communites or forums if this question is not suited for Stackoverflow. Anyway, my projects works fine in my local machine. They compile and the test project runs the tests nicely. My solution contains a vb class project, project and vb class (test) project.

Please look at the images below:

Error messages from Azure

The file Azure is complaining about

My result after compiling locally

NuGet libraries i'm using

Projects references to Test libraries

My tasks for pipeline

Note, I haven't really changing alot from Visual Studio and Azure DevOps templates. I've only added som more libraries and references to Test project. Then I added Visual Studio Test Platform Installer as a task for my pipeline. I hoped a template project would work without issues.

I've also tried to copy the msbuild code from the Pipeline output, but it gave me nothing new.

I have no clue what to do. Maybe reference TestFrameWork locally instead of NuGet? Try creating a new test project? Leave Azure DevOps and try something else..?

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