mardi 9 juin 2020

Software Security Testing of Existing Kernel Module - How To?

Let's say that i found the codebase for a specific Kernel module.

I would like to perform software checks, i.e., from a security standpoint of said module.


Should i compile the module from scratch and insert it in an existing Kernel, i.e., the latest Ubuntu for example,


should i use the distribution's packaged version?


Furthermore, should I compile a standalone Kernel as well as the Module together, and add any Debugging Flags?


What kind of Debugging Flags should i include?

Are these specific to the module or are there any options that i should include in the kernel itself? The kernel configuration file that i know of can be found under: /boot/config/${uname -r}/ and that one is the clone of /usr/lib/modules/${uname -r}/build/.config


To my understanding, I can obtain information regarding Kernel Module output by issuing something like:

journalctl --since "1 hour ago" | grep "kernel"


by checking the following files:


Is there any other source of information I should consider?

What do you think I should do? How should I approach this?

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