mercredi 10 juin 2020

why beta test retourn NA?

I want to do a beta_test with only 2 data and I do not know what ir wrong.

y1 <- c(505329.09, 846930.82
x1 <- c(1509.53,2469.2
es1 <-,x1)
mod1 <- lm(y1 ~ x1, data=es1)
beta_test(object=mod1, parm='(Intercept)', ref.value=0, alternative='two.sided')

The console retourns me this sentence

 beta_test(object=mod1, parm='(Intercept)', ref.value=0, alternative='two.sided')
            Estimate Std.Err t value Pr(>t)
(Intercept)   -31999      NA      NA     NA

How can I get the program returns me the correct results and not the word NA

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