jeudi 11 juin 2020

XCUITest verify that ui interruption handler occurred

I'm very new to swift and xcuitest. I recently came across addUIInterruptionMonitor for handling alerts that can pop up. What I would like to know is how I can verify that the alert happened and that the handler was dealt with. Take the following for example

addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription("Location Services") { 
  (alert) -> Bool in
  return true

app.buttons["Request Location"].tap()
app.tap() // need to interact with the app again for the handler to fire
// after this if the handler never gets called I want the test to fail

I would like to test that the alert actually happens, but as far as I understand, after my last tap() if the alert never gets triggered my handler wont be called. I need to test that the alert actually happened and then maybe add some assertions to the contents of the handler

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