vendredi 28 août 2015

Automation testing on mobile browser

I want to test our web based application on a mobile browser. I came across appium, selendroid, ios-driver. I have used selenium webdriver before. I also came across user agent and rippel add ons and other emulators. These are the questions I have :

  1. Can I use a browser on desktop and set its window size to match a mobile and run the selenium webdriver to test? WOuld it be sufficient?
  2. I have not used appium before and am a little hesitant. Is it easy to use it as compared to ios-driver and selendroid?
  3. Should I use ios and android emulators on a desktop and test away with selenium webdriver?

Which of the above three options is a better approach? Please share your thoughts. I am not sure if this matters but I will be using PHP codeception along with it.

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