vendredi 28 août 2015

Populating request.DATA for testing api in Django using APIRequestFactory

I am using restframeworks test modules to write test. I need to test a get request for which I created a test as follows

    class BlogCommentTest(APISimpleTestCase):
        def test_3002_getting_reviewcomment(self):
             factory = APIRequestFactory()
             request = factory.get(reverse('get-review-comments'), data= {"article": 1})
             request.user = self.user
             view = ReviewCommentViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list'})
             force_authenticate(request, self.user)
             response = view(request)

however the way I wrote populates the request.GET with {'article':1} when I want to populate request.DATA. What is the correct way to make the request object whose request.DATA is populated the way I want ?

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