jeudi 27 août 2015

How can JMS topics be tested (ActiveMQ + JMeter / HermesJMS / smth else)

I am a beginner in questions of working with JMS (including testing it) but at some point I need to start. I will try to sum up below what I could investigate regarding to this topic. And I hope you will advise me to choise right tools for my test purposes and correct my findings if it is necessary.

What do I have? There are 2 components in an enterprise system which communicate between each other via JMS topics. One of them is publisher which sends JMS messages (let it be Component A) and another one is subscriber which receives JMS messages (let it be Component B). The process of messages transmission is managed by JMS provider Apache ActiveMQ (version 5.10.X or above).

What do I want? I want to test the process of JMS messages transmission.

How do I want to perform testing? I have got the following ideas but I am not sure that all of them are possible. Please tell me which of them can be implemented: 1. Make my client as a publisher which could receive JMS messages from the real remote system (Component A). 2. Make my client as a subscriber which could send JMS messages (created by me) to the real remote system (Component B). 3. Make my client as a listener which could receive transmitted JMS messages from remote component A to component B. And inspect them.

Which tools am I planning to use? By this time I have found an information that it can be performed by the following tools: 1. HermesJMS (it seems that points 1 and 2 from the previous paragraph are can be executed, but I am not sure about 3rd). + integrated with SoapUI tool; - it seems there is a problem with ActiveMQ 5.9 and above compatibility (errors while creation of destinations). 2. Apache JMeter (initially it is a tool for perfomance testing, but I guess that it can be also used in the same way as HermesJMS). + admittedly compatibility with ActiveMQ (the same vendor); - tool for perfomance testing. 3. Could you please advise me smth else?

I will be glad to see your any remarks.

Best regards, Thomas

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