mercredi 26 août 2015

How should I test this module?

I'm writing a node module that collects data from a web page using cheerio. The module calls back with the collected data as an object, like this:

module.exports = function collect(callback) {
  var data = {
    item1: '',
    item2: '',
    item3: ''

  callback(null, data);

I'm trying to decide how to test this. I'm inclined to create an expected object and compare it to what I actually received. I plan on using mocha and assert, so this test would look something like this:

describe('collect()', function() {

  it('should give me the expected data', function(done) {
    var expected = {
      item1: '',
      item2: '',
      item3: ''

    collect(function(err, actual) {
      assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);


My main gripe with this solution is that I cannot individually test each piece of data. For example, item1 and item2 might equal what was expected, but item3 does not, therefore failing the whole test. Is there a better solution here?

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