lundi 30 novembre 2015

Laravel 5.1 PHPUnit - press() gives me 'Unreachable field ""'

When trying to call the press() method, I always get

InvalidArgumentException: Unreachable field ""

at that line.

According to the docs:

"Press" a button with the given text or name.

My method: press('Create') and my button is <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" type="submit" name="submit">Create</button>. I have also tried to use the name with the same result.

I have also tried submitForm('Create') which works, but then seeInDatabase('employees', ['email' => '']) always fails.

Unable to find row in database table [employees] that matched attributes [{"email":""}].

Here is my full method

public function testExample()

  $this->actingAs(\App\Employee::where('username', 'grant')->first())
    ->type('john', 'username')
    ->type('1234', 'password')
    ->type('', 'email')
    ->seeInDatabase('employees', ['email' => ''])
    ->see('Employee Directory');

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