vendredi 12 juin 2020

Katare DSL - can't read a .prn file in the feature file, it throws the error "gnoring dynamic expression, did not evaluate to list"

I have problems reading a .prn file (cvs saved as .prn). it throws me the error

12:47:00.930 [main] WARN - ignoring dynamic expression, did not evaluate to list: read('Requests/file.prn') - [type: INPUT_STREAM, value:]

But if i change the extension to a .cvs it's works great. There exist a way to read this .prn file with karate-dsl to evaluate as list?

Feature: scenario outline using a table from a prn file
  *print ('Hello :)')
  Scenario Outline: ....
  | read('Requests/file.prn') |

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