vendredi 12 juin 2020

TESTCAFÉ: The page URL is expected to be a string, but it was object

Our objective is to get the value of url and sitelab element from the CLI. Then append it in the

Run command: testcafe edge testfile.js --url="" --sitelab="grp"


 const siteURL1 = sitelabURL();

 fixture('Header -POC').page(siteURL1());

//From below code trying to generate URL from a command line

export const url1 = () => {
    let URL = '';
    const URL_KEY = '--url';
     process.argv.forEach((val) => {
     const keyValuePair = val.split('=');
     if (URL_KEY === keyValuePair[0]) {
        URL = keyValuePair[1];
  return URL;

export async function sitelab() {
let SITELAB = 'sitelab:T1';
const SITELAB_KEY = '--sitelab';
process.argv.forEach((val) => {
    const keyValuePair = val.split('=');
    if (SITELAB_KEY === keyValuePair[0]) {
    SITELAB = keyValuePair[1];
return SITELAB;

export const sitelabURL = async () => {
    // sitelab();
    var localURL = url1();
    var sitelab1 = await sitelab();
    var tld = localURL.indexOf('.com') > 0 ? 'com' : '';
        var sitelabURL = ''+tld+'/cookie.html?url='+localURL+'&rc='+sitelab1;
        return sitelabURL.toString();
    else {
        return localURL.toString();

Actual Result:

TypeError: sitelabURL1 is not a function

Expected Result:

Value should be successfully appended in the fixture and the page should be loaded

Note: I tried with fixture('Header -POC').page(siteURL1); as well. Here the result is The page URL is expected to be a string, but it was object.

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